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Zindagi na Mileygi Dubara part 2???


Bollywood since a long time has stopped producing quality content especially regarding meaningful and deeper friendships. These days the movies Bollywood is making is often seen as lacking significance and purpose.  However, one such movie which touched hearts and inspired us in ways we can’t even imagine is Zindagi Na Mileygi Dubara. It has become a cult on its own. We are all so occupied and stressed these days that I think it’s vital to re-watch this movie whenever we need a fresh perspective on life and a break from a monotonous routine.

Seven thing ZNMD taught us are:

  1. Work is NOT the most important thing in your life 

This is true! There are people like Arjun who believe they’ll accumulate wealth and work hard just to live a better life in the future. But here’s a question to them, how do you know if you will even be alive to enjoy the money you’ve earned burning the midnight oil? The sooner you understand that we work to live and to appreciate little things in life the better it be.

  1. Everyone needs a break once a while 

Stress, work and same old mundane routine wears us out quickly and easily. We need joy, vacation, friends and family to bring us back on the track. I feel like we all have or will become Arjun at some point in our life, we have to repeatedly make ourselves realize that spending quality time with our loved one’s is equally important. It brings out positive energy. Notice how when Arjun took the trip it made him appreciate the little things in life and he found love too! So expand your horizons and go travel or take a break who knows maybe you find your Laila.

  1. Never live with regrets 

So what if things go south? You ALWAYS learn from such experiences, don’t be too hard on yourself! When Laila felt she could potentially lose the man she loved, it resulted in her taking control and she confessed everything to him. She found her perfect fit. Similarly Kabir was on a bachelor trip and he realizes Natasha is not the person he sees his life with and calls the wedding off. Better to take control than live with regrets your entire life.

  1. Always learn to forgive 

Naturally humans are bound to make mistakes. They’ll make blunders which will make their life fall apart, they will lose friends and be at their lowest. The movie taught us on how we should learn to respect and forgive people, especially if they are closer to your heart. Learn to forgive them and move on. Mend your broken friendship and relationships because trust me a couple of years down the lane when you reminisce and reflect on your past YOU WILL feel guilty and miserable. Imran and Arjun too mended their friendship after years of miscommunication and hatred.

  1. Never back down from your fears 

I love how every character had a fear and it was shown in the movie. The way they got over it was also highlighted. For Arjun’s character it was the fear of water, for Imran it was the fear of Heights and for Kabir it was the love of his life. He liked her but dint see himself settling with her. They wanted different things from life and rather than marrying he took control and saved both of them from disaster. The way they decided to overcome their fears was truly inspiring and we all should take notes.

  1. You actually can choose your family 

Imran’s biological father wasn’t around. He had left long before. I love how his friends became his family and that is what happens. The mere concept of friends is so funny. You get to know a couple of strangers and long before you know it they are living with you, dependent on you and practically become your family.


  1. Seize the day 

This was the most important message conveyed in the movie. Make every day count, live like there is no tomorrow. Mend your friendship because let’s face it, life it too short for regrets and conflicts.


The movie not only conveyed a beautiful message but had poetry that touched us all. The way Farhan delivers it makes it even more appealing and peaceful. I wish our industry too would make movies like this that would inspire the youth and keeps us all motivated


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