FHM Pakistan
FHM Roman

The youth of our country needs to…

Just a few days ago Manchester & Ariana Grande’s concert were the target of a terror attack where at least 20 people were killed, the youth of Pakistan and that of around the world took to social media to condemn the attack with furiosity. My only concern is that where does this sympathy and compassion go when this kind of thing happens in our own back-yard.

Almost every day people in parts of our country are killed by terrorist or the after effects of a terror attack. Is our country not good enough, don’t our fellow countrymen matter? Why is it so that when our youth goes abroad we try to forget we come from Pakistan? Why is it that we are so eager to adapt other cultures rather than valuing our own? Why does our compassion & sympathy disappear when it comes to our country. Why are we quite when our country needs us.

The youth of our country needs to wake up, we complain about how things are bad and we don’t have enough opportunities that’s why we go abroad. Tell me then if you, the youth, won’t take responsibility of fixing our country’s problems then who will? It is not up to the previous generation to do anything now, they did their part good and bad, now it’s up to us to make change instead of relying on Governments and outside help.

I am not saying all of the youth is asleep, but large portion of it is. Pakistan has the fifth largest youth population but the sad truth is that seventy percent of them are so self-involved that they care about nobody but those in their circle. It can’t go on like that anymore. A good man cares about those in his circle; a great man cares about those in his circle and those who are not as well.

We need to open our eyes and smell the gun powder. We need to take initiative on fixing the problems of our beloved country, because it’s our responsibility.

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