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You Only Live Once! Life is too short to not live your best life. I personally don’t want to be with people unless they want to be with me. Go where you’re celebrated, not just tolerated. Spending our days with people we love is very very important. You only live once, but if you do right then once is enough!  One of the biggest fears of my life is looking back at my life when I am at the end and having a feeling of regret. Regret of not trying everything possible, regret of not giving at all. 

YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE, why? Because it’s literally true. You really do only live once. You only have ONE shot at this life. We often get caught up in worrying about what others would think and how we’ll look if we try something and fail. It’s so easy to be afraid of trying new things or stepping outside of our comfort zone. Don’t let the fear of a failure stop you from taking action. 

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