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World’s most unusual jobs

Have you ever thought about jobs like these? Here are World’s most unusual jobs:

  • Professional Bridesmaid

A woman from New York, Jen Glantz, hires herself out as a professional bridesmaid, starting at $1,000 per job. A new best friend for the bride-to-be to support her through the wedding planning process, mingle with guests at the wedding parties and, of course, carry her train.


  • Fountain Pen Doctor

New Hampshire-based Richard Binder who calls himself a Fountain pen doctor repairs and restores old fountain pens that have seen better days. And, if all hope is lost, pen owners can send their broken nibs to New York’s Fountain Pen Hospital.


  • Worm picker

$44,000 a year can be earned by working as a worm picker, according to the U.S. Department of Labor. The job requires looking up for worms in grassy areas.

  • Professional “Apologizer”

Professional apologizing agencies in Japan hire freelancers to deliver apologies on their clients’ behalf. Freelance staff can earn up to $240 for a face-to-face apology. If  sorry isn’t the hardest word for you, this could be your dream role.

  • Fortune Cookie writer

Nearly 3 billion fortune cookies are consumed every year, and fortune cookie firms hire teams of freelancers to write the millions of one-line fortunes. Aspiring writers can expect to around a dollar per message.

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