FHM Pakistan

Why giving up can be a better option sometimes

How many times have you been told, NEVER GIVE UP or “No one likes a quitter!”? How many times have you heard inspirational stories that go something like this: “So-and-So faced countless setbacks, but she kept fighting all along” Our culture romanticizes perseverance, and for good reason: Perseverance is great quality. A lot of amazing things in our world would never have been invented, and a lot of great people would never have found success if they hadn’t kept getting up every time they got knocked down.

But you know what? Sometimes giving up is exactly what we should do. We’re taught to persevere, no matter what, but sometimes that perseverance — that unwillingness or inability to let go — keeps us from moving forward, from finding happiness, from adapting to the curve balls that life throws our way

 When you know in your heart that it’s not going to work out

The painful truth is that some dreams don’t come true. Some relationships will never be healthy. Some people will never love you the way you need to be loved. That’s life. Ask yourself, honestly and seriously.

When pursuing your goal is making you really, really unhappy

Dreams are wonderful, but we shouldn’t sacrifice our day-to-day happiness for the hope of happiness in some distant future. There are a lot of clichés out there that say “It’s about the journey, not the destination,” and they are clichés for a reason. If your journey is making you miserable, the destination isn’t worth it.

 When the only reason you haven’t quit already is that you’re worried about what other people will think.

When you find yourself shying away from the idea of quitting, what is it that scares you? Are you chiefly worried that you’ll let other people down? You can’t sacrifice your life to make other people happy. Let other people take care of themselves, and do whatever you need to do to find happiness.

When the idea of giving up floods you with relief

Is the very first feeling you have when you contemplate quitting your job, leaving your relationship, or giving up on a dream is a profound sense of relief? Take that responsibility seriously.

ll that you feel is an enormous weight lifting off your shoulders, there’s your answer. Be a quitter and wear the name proudly. Sometimes it’s the best life decision you can make.

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