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What are Imad Wasim and Shoaib Malik waiting for?

Have you heard of the phrase “the cat died of curiosity”?  Yeah, the internet has me feeling exactly the same. 

As I woke up late on a bright Sunday morning and scrolled through my social media (because what else do you really do on a Sunday) I could only notice the internet going crazy over the #GreatHaiTohWaitHai What is it that everyone is waiting for, you ask? Well, I clearly can’t figure it out on my own. So, I’ll leave it up to you. Here’s a rundown on what happened on the internet yesterday.

So, my Sunday scrolling marathon began with me making my way through a dozen of tweets about our victory against Afghanistan. I was at it when a tweet by Imad Wasim crossed my Twitter timeline. It was not just another “we-won-the-match” tweet. I mean have a read yourself. Imad just tweeted about THE GREAT WIN that we’re all waiting for? 

And it’s not just Imad. Seems like Shoaib Malik too tweeted about something great that is about to happen. Wait, what? 

At this point, if you’re already thrilled about the player’s tweeting about bringing the trophy home let me break the excitement bubble for you. Imad and Shoaib are certainly waiting for something GREAT (which in this case is not the trophy).

How do I know that? Because just after my short Twitter trip I landed on Instagram and there I came across this story by Bilal Maqsood. Have a look yourself

I’m sure Bilal Maqsood sharing the same hashtag did sway all your guesses just like it did mine.

Next, I saw Junaid Akram aka Ganji Swag’s story with the same hashtag. This shows that he too is waiting for something GREAT! Another cliffhanger!

Confused much? Well, to add to your curiosity, here’s Maria Unera with the same hashtag. 

Last but not the least, Faiza Saleem got into her famous Daadi avatar deepening the suspense yet again! It’s hard to control those butterflies in the stomach now, isn’t it?

I hope by now you don’t hate me for showering all this curiosity on you. I just couldn’t handle it alone. Clearly, there is something exciting on the way and I couldn’t wait to figure it out. So, any guesses guys? What’s all this wait about? Don’t forget to tell me as soon as you know! Till then let’s just RIC (Rest in Curiosity)

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