FHM Pakistan
Launches & Events

Wedding around the corner? Still struggling in Kitchen to impress your in-laws?

Do you hear the noise? Those are wedding bells ringing above your head. When your special day is almost around the corner and there’s so much stuff you still need to work on, the most importantly your kitchen skills because you never really concentrated before and now the pressure is way too much and all those YouTube 5-mins crafty are turning out to be a flat-on fail because all that glitter is not gold and you’re stressing out, well ladies, don’t stress it. You really don’t want those unpleasant wrinkles on your pretty faces.
What do you usually do at times like these? Probably watching YouTube videos and creating a huge mayhem in your kitchen, or maybe experimenting cooking? Or the last solution which is finding good cooking classes in the city which are convenient and covers all your needs.

MasterClass Pakistan Hospitality Business School is a state-of-the-art Entrepreneurial venture that is built on hands-on training and experience approach. We offer quality education meeting international standards of hospitality industry. You don’t only get to learn cooking but also get hands-on experience with your own individual plating, amazing, innit? Hold on, did I mention about cuisines? Ladies, you don’t only get to learn desi Pakistani food but also different worldwide cuisines in one kitchen! You get to cook food on your own individual kitchen counters with high-end equipment with professional and hygienic environment which is fully air-conditioned. MasterClass Pakistan also provides international certification which is recognized locally and internationally both which helps the students with their career in future.

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