FHM Pakistan
Health & Fitness

Ways to stop over thinking everything

Its human nature to take stress and over think. But in today’s young generation, over-thinking is a common problem.

But its time to change the game, start enjoying your life and stop thinking about small stuff or cause stress to yourself.

So here are ways you can sprinkle in more heart-led decisions every day and have far more happy life:

1: Imagine 2019 is your last year to live: 

Try and explore thing as this is your last chance. Read books, go for vacations and meet new people. Have a fresh look at everything. Meet your lost friends, enjoy your time and let your self live without planning everything in your life.

2: Take risk more in your routine:

If you don’t wear make-up or had never try new haircut style, then do it, take risk and experiment with your look and life. Try taste new food and embrace new things. If never went scuba diving then do it challenge yourself and try new stuff.

3: Risk more in your routine:

Try joining gym or do yoga if you have never done that. Ride a bike or go for swimming, make your self busy so you can have more things in your routine to keep you busy.

4: Lose your self and expectations:

Stop being perfectionist. Try to taste failure and accept it. If you keep stressing over to be perfectionist then you will lose your self steam and will be under stress to be perfect. Lose things up be carefree for sometime so you can live easily and be happy.

Expect nothing. Or expect awful. Anything above awful can be a bonus. Can you take yourself a little less seriously? Because joy, ideas, and creativity flow when we’re loose, not uptight.

Try to be creative and positive this year rather then over thinking and causing stress.

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