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University Life: magical journey or struggle ?

One of the most important phases of life is the time we spend in university; those four years really make or break us. We go through some unexpected changes and a series of events that one might have never imagined. University life may seem like a bed of roses but beware some stages might be full of thrones.

Let’s explore exactly are the good parts and the bad parts of university life and if you are a freshie, this blog is especially for you guys. So, hear me out! Trust me university life can turn out to be the best 4 years of your life. How exactly is that possible, here is a step-by-step guide?

First things first, make sure you are well prepared with the stuff you bring to the university, your bag containing notebook, pen and calculator because obviously, you will be studying, you are here for that! Unlike few or majority of students who are in university just for fun. You will get the time to enjoy all the perks but primarily do not skip classes.

One of the best ways to socialize is joining different societies in university, there are tons of society capacitating a different kind of activities for example music, arts, entrepreneurship, literature and sport, join those as per your skills. Even if you don’t have the skills, you can always and learn new skills. Trust me joining societies is going to make a lot of difference, it going to boost up your confidence you are going to learn and develop skills and honestly find out what you are good at. Societies can really help to groom and develop social skills that are going to be an integral part of your professional life.

Maintaining a balance is the key to a successful life, we all hear that balancing life is one of the most important aspects of mental peace and joyful life. You are supposed to manage studies and social life in sync so that one cannot overpower or affect others which will eventually disrupt life. When midterm exams are approaching, you should at least start prepping one or two weeks before, trust me nothing happens at the last moment. When you are done with exams and it’s the weekend, go out there have fun with your new friends.

Not everyone is your friend. I know it sounds scary but hears me out, everyone you meet or work with on a particular project is not supposed to be friends. There are people ready to pull you down, you are going to meet people who are going to put your reputation in jeopardy and are going to bad mouth you. Just remember that you need to stay calm and don’t be affected by those petty people, they need help. Just be kind and forgive them, Simple

University is a place where you will find diverse people. You’ll find students coming from different socio-economic groups and cultures, their mindset will be completely different than yours, that doesn’t mean that they are weird or different or you are right. People come from different schools of thought one must learn to respect and adapt accordingly. Everyone deserves respect. It’s really simple to give respect take respect.

These were few things I realize that I should tell you guys. These 4 or 5 years depending on the nature of your degree are going to be the best years of your life given that you are focused and determined because honestly there are a lot of things that might sway you away from getting a good quality education and if you follow that path, it might destroy or take away precious moments that you may never get.


Lastly, do not, I repeat do not take your courses lightly, eventually and unfortunately the world out there judges and evaluates you through CGPA which is the only tangible thing. No one is going to realize how you changed and improved for your own betterment. Growth cannot be seen by professionals but your friends who became an integral part of your life realize that and appreciate the positives changes in you. So you remember your growth and brace yourself for a transformational journey.

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