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World’s ugliest woman speaks up against an upsetting meme

A new trend has emerged on Facebook, which asks you to tag your friends on various bizarre memes with certain names sprawled across them. Regardless to mention, the images are certainly not the ones’ you can term as “Eye-Candies”; going against the society’s stereotypical imagination of ‘beauty’.

Just recently, another mean meme made its way across Facebook, making “Lizzie Velasquez” – ugliest woman of the world – a mock target of bullying.

Lizzie who is suffering from Marfan syndrome, a genetic disorder that affects the body’s connective tissue, has been officially termed as the ugliest woman of the world. After being a victim of excessive bullying and mistreatment, Lizzie took her opinion to the masses through various motivational sessions; garnering above 100,000 fans and followers on Facebook. Lizzie, in her various sessions, has stated that she is proud to be known as the ugliest woman across globe.

Here is the meme in discussion, which might have passed by your eyes too:

World's ugliest woman speaks up against an upsetting memeAfter seeing the meme, Lizzie shared the picture along with a detailed caption on Facebook, reading;

“I’ve seen a ton of memes like this all over Facebook recently. I’m writing this post not as someone who is a victim but as someone who is using their voice.

“Yes, it’s very late at night as I type this but I do so as a reminder that the innocent people that are being put in these memes are probably up just as late scrolling through Facebook and feeling something that I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy.

“No matter what we look like or what size we are, at the end of the day we are all human. I ask that you keep that in mind the next time you see a viral meme of a random stranger.

“At the time you might find it hilarious but the human in the photo is probably feeling the exact opposite. Spread love not hurtful words via a screen. Xoxo Lizzie.’

Till now, over 100,000 people have commented on Lizzie’s post and the number is increasing day by day. Lizzie’s mother also commented on the status;

“As Lizzie’s mom this hurts beyond words. But I stand with you to say spread love PLEASE. Love you Lizzie!”

All that comes to my mind after going through the meme and Lizzie’s exceptional response is that; “Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder”. So, the next time you try to make fun of someone’s physical appearance; remember that it is you who desperately seeks attention and not them. Thanks!

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