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Are we turning our children into extremely self-loving narcissists?

All the parents love their children and it doesn’t need any sort of further explanation to prove it. However, it is little known that parents are turning their children into completely self-loving narcissists by over-valuing them. This has been proved through a new study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences and the United States of America.

The study followed the children from the ages of 7-11, the time when capabilities to be extremely narcissistic emerge. Th study followed the common personality traits that show how a person is turning into a self-loving individuals with the believe that they are better than other people.

Professor Brad Bushman, one of the lead authors of the study, has stated:

“Children believe it when their parents tell them that they are more special than others. That may not be good for them or for society.

“When I first started doing this research in the 1990s, I used to think my children should be treated like they were extra-special. I’m careful not to do that now.

“It is important to express warmth to your children because that may promote self-esteem, but overvaluing them may promote higher narcissism.”

The co-author of the study provided his two cents:

“Overvaluing parents tended to claim that their child had knowledge of many different topics – even these nonexistent ones.

“Of course overvaluing children is not the only cause of narcissism, there are also genetic and other environmental factors.

“Some children may be more likely than others to become narcissistic when their parents overvalue them.”

Thus, parents should keep this in mind that love is at one place and making your children a fruitful part of this society is at another. So make them a good citizen rather than spoiling them to the core. As this trait not only make children think that they are superior among others, but also take on to them being criminal on the later part of their lives.

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