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Toxic Ego Will Ruin Your Life

What is the ego? That little voice inside you that is the source of so much worry, anxiety, and suffering. Comparing yourself with others is something your ego will always do. Once we compare our achievements and past performance with our present, we sometimes fall short. Our ego will punish us and make us feel useless, which can affect our self-worth.

We often get stuck in unnecessary ego and ruin our relationships, having said that major percentage of breakups and divorces are only due to toxic egos. whereas people who fight this evil are down to earth and well settled. Always remain calm and listen to what others have to say, we cant always be prefect!

As Marlon Brando once said, “is terrifying to most people.” We talk endlessly on social media getting validation and attention with fake internet points avoiding the uncertainty of doing the difficult and frightening work required of any creative endeavor. As creatives we need to shut up and get to work. To face the void — despite the pain of doing so.

Start telling yourself “If love did not create it, it is not real,” and see if it brings you a new perspective on your situation. It’s amazing how solutions suddenly occur to you once you’re no longer trapped in the fear.

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