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Top secrets to healthy skin

As the cliché goes, beauty is just skin deep, but the value of skin is far more.

Here are some radiant skin tips that help you present your best—and healthiest—side.

Do you want your skin to be radiant and healthy-looking?

Showers that last for an extended period of time should be avoided.

Shorter, colder sprays are used instead.

Long, hot showers dehydrate the skin and remove the protective oils that keep it healthy.

Showers should be limited to 10 minutes and the water should be kept at a low temperature.

Aloe vera gel should be used every day.

Every day, apply a thin layer of aloe vera gel to very dry skin.

Aloe’s acids dissolve dead skin cells, hastening the healing process.

Purchase a ready-made product or cut the end off an aloe leaf, split it apart, and apply the gel to the dry region.

Every day, prepare meals using garlic.

Skin cells produced in a culture plate and treated with garlic lived seven times longer than cells grown in conventional culture, according to a Danish research from 1996.

In comparison to untreated cells, they also seemed to be healthier and younger.

Furthermore, garlic extract slowed the proliferation of malignant skin cells significantly.

An orange is a good snack.

Oranges are good source of Vitamin c, which is necessary for the production of collagen, which keeps skin smooth and young.

Guava, kiwi fruit, and red peppers are also high in vitamin C.

Maintain a safe distance from your face with your hands.

Dirt and bacteria are attracted to your hands because they touch so many surfaces.

Everything on your hands has been transferred to your face by rubbing your eyes, touch your chin, and cupping your cheek.

Use headphones or a headset to converse on the phone as an extension of this.

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