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Top 10 amazing benefits of rose water!

The importance of pure rose water for a beautiful skin and hair should not be a secret to anybody anymore. Rose water has been used since the ancient times for flawless skin, hair, eyes, acne, skin lightening, fairness and what not. Because of its endless benefits, it is known as ‘Wonder of Nature’. Therefore it is the common beauty ingredients of every household and also a natural anti-septic, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory.
In respect of all type of skins including dry one, it has beneficial impacts to all of them:
  1. Rose water for anti-aging:

    The regular use of rose water on the face and skin helps to make your skin soft and glowing due to the presence of antioxidants and vitamins in it.

  2. Rose water for hair:

    The application of rose water on scalp works wonder. It nourishes, conditioning and moisture’s the hair follicles thereby promotes hair health like hair shining, long hair, hair beauty, etc. It makes dandruff at bay.

  3. Rose water for skin beauty:

    It reduces the redness, beneficial for dermatitis and eczema because of anti-inflammatory properties. Due to pollution and our faulty lifestyle, the skin pores get clogged. The application of rose water helps to opens up the clogged skin pores and also removes dirt and oil.

  4. Rose water for face:

    It keeps the skin hydrated, moisturized and smooth thereby giving your face a glowing look.

  5. Rose water heals scars:

    It heals scars due to anti-bacterial properties that leads to fresh and refreshing look to your personality.

  6. Antioxidant properties:

    Because of antioxidant properties of rose water, it enhances your skin immunity and helps in regenerating of skin tissues.

  7. Rose water for tone skin:

    It makes our skin tone because of astringent features. It is suggested that to make your skin tone smart, apply rose water just after steaming your face.

  8. Rose water for pH balance:

    Rose water is good irrespective of all skins, helps to maintain acidity and alkalinity to control oil and provides fairness and lightening the skin

  9. Rose water reduces anxiety and stress:

    Rose water is used in aromatherapy. The fragrance of rose water creates an atmosphere of well-being and acts like as mood elevator, stress buster and anxiety reliever. Along with lessening stress, it also promote sound sleep.

  10. Benefits of drinking of rose water:

    The drinking of rose water helps in delaying of skin aging by removing wrinkles, pimples, acne and blemishes. As per ayurvedic texts that the drinking of rose water helps to balance Sadhaka Pitta, which is associated with romance and love. As far as its side effects of drinking is concerned, it is almost negligible. Drinking of it is helpful to weight loss and also recommended in pregnancy. Some people also use it in tea.

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