FHM Pakistan
Daily Horoscope

Your Today’s Horoscope – 6th September 2017

8/According to your today’s horoscope, 6th September 2017

Here’s your today’s horoscope:

Aries (March 21 – April 20):

Work will be hectic in a good way. The intensity of work will increase but you will find yourself running out of ideas. Be open to receiving guidance from people in a field similar to yours. Health will need attention, especially if you are prone to allergies. Balance eating patterns. Family life will be hectic, due to family obligations or visiting members. Social life will take a back seat.

TAURUS (April 21 – May 21):

Work will be stable, but you might feel bored or stagnant. You might come up with new ideas, but think practically before implementing. Don’t take impulsive decisions today. Family life will be stable, but social obligations will fill your evening as you connect with like-minded or interesting people. Balance eating patterns.

GEMINI (May 22 – June 21):

A balanced day where will you get a lot of work done, but you won’t see results today. Be patient. Be a better listener and don’t overreact to what people say. Balance eating patterns. Family life will be stable, but social life will be hectic with plans of catching up with old friends.

CANCER (June 22 – July 23):

You need to take charge of certain decisions. Don’t depend on people today as you might be disappointed. If you have plans of expansion, keep them discreet till the time you get clarity. Health will need attention. Spending quality time with family members will make you feel more secure about your relationships. Social life will be slow as friends could be going through their own mood swings.

LEO (July 24 – Aug. 23):

Work will be stable, but you will be creatively blocked. Brainstorming or taking advice from others will help. Drink enough water today. Avoid bringing back past issues with family members. You’ll reconnect with old friends today. Be more communicative.

VIRGO (Aug. 24 – Sept. 23):

You will be preoccupied with a lot of things at work. While you see results on one side, there will be a slow down on another, but it’s just temporary. Be more attentive to emotional needs of family members. Last minute plans with friends will help you feel better.

LIBRA (Sept. 24 – Oct. 23):

A hectic day at work for you as you will have to clear off pending work and initiate new ideas. Avoid friction with people at work. Health will need attention especially knees and back. Family life will be smooth as you bond with family members. Give their priorities importance else they might feel offended. While friends will reach out to catch up with you, you’ll be exhausted to step out.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24 – Nov. 22):

A slow day at work, as you organise and restructure your next plan. People from the past will help you in areas at work. A family member’s health will need attention. Avoid friction with your partner. Friends will be busy when you need them, but eventually they will take some time out for you.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 – Dec. 21):

You will get a lot of work today, but you may have to wait to see the fruits of your labour. Be patient. Instead of reacting to what people say, be a better listener. Balance eating patterns. Family life will be stable, but social life will be hectic with plans of catching up with old friends.


CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 – Jan. 20):

Work will be stable, as you clear off pending assignments. Someone at work might rub you the wrong way, but maintain your calm as it could lead to a major showdown later. Pending payments will clear, but due to excess expenses you may not enjoy financial freedom. Your family life will need attention due to someone’s emotional needs. By the end of the day, you will be too tired to socialise.


AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 – Feb. 19):

A slow day at work as nothing much will get done, no matter how much you push. Results of previous meetings will come through. Those looking for a change of job will get clarity today. Family and friends will be supportive. Just be discreet with them. They don’t need to know everything going on in your mind.


PISCES (Feb. 20 – Mar. 20):

Work will be hectic as your ideas and opinions will be in demand. People will depend on you to get work done. An important meeting might get delayed, so be ready for that. Family life will be smooth, but socially you’ll reconnect with friends and plan a fun evening to balance your work life.

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