FHM Pakistan
Daily Horoscope

Your Today’s Horoscope – 31st August 2017

8/According to your today’s horoscope, 31st August 2017

Here’s your today’s horoscope:

Aries (March 21 – April 20):

Work will be stable but you will find it difficult to trust people. An important meeting will work in your favour. Headaches/ migraine will drain you out physically. Family life will be stable but socially you will be on a roll. Be open to receiving advice from others.

TAURUS (April 21 – May 21):

Work will be slow and chaotic. You will find it difficult to balance between people at work and home. Home stress will make you lose focus at work. Stuck paper work will cause mental stress today. Health will be low due to stress, especially areas of back. Family matters will be on going and an older family member’s health will need attention. Even though social life will stable you won’t feel like meeting anyone.

GEMINI (May 22 – June 21):

Work will pick up pace and you will be more stable in your thought process. Travel/ meeting for work purpose will be productive. There could be delay in emails/ communication but nothing that will disturb your work. Family life will be stable but extended family members will go through stress and turn to you for advice. Socially you will be on a roll.

CANCER (June 22 – July 23):

Everything comes to a standstill today. You will face challenges at work and may not even have faith in your own decisions. You will be emotionally over whelmed due to so much going on at the same time that you will just want to disconnect and spend alone time. Talking things out with a friend will help.

LEO (July 24 – Aug. 23):

Work will be stable, but you will be confused due to people’s intentions around you. People will say something else do something else. Be patient. Health will be stable but family stress will cause running around and physical exhaustion. You need to eat well today. Social life will take a back seat due to erratic routine.

VIRGO (Aug. 24 – Sept. 23):

Work will pick up pace but you will be pushed to be assertive to take drastic decisions. You need to follow your heart today and take a different approach to convince people to get your work done. Family friction with an older family member will drain you out. Don’t hold onto past issues.

LIBRA (Sept. 24 – Oct. 23):

Work will keep you busy but you will be physically tired. Disturbed sleep will take a toll on your focus and you will be irritated with people at work. Eat on time. Avoid friction with family members. A female’s member’s health will need attention. Social life will be erratic all depending on your mood and stamina to step out.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24 – Nov. 22):

Work will be busy and productive. You will be happy with the results and outcome. You will also work with new people and find common ways of functioning. Family and social life will be peaceful but due to long working hours you may not get time for both.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 – Dec. 21):

Work will be slow and there will be delays from other people. If you have meetings, be prepared to wait long hours or there can also be last minute cancellation making you furious. Hold your emotions today. Displaying it won’t help. Family members will be supportive and lovingly give you the space to unwind. You’ll reconnect with an old friend today.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 – Jan. 20):

Work will be stable. New initiations and oppurtunities will manifest. You will have the courage to take risk and try new things at work. Take care of your health if you are prone to allergies. Family members will remain distant due to past issues. Don’t get into confrontation. Be patient and let time heal if not for yourself then for others.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 – Feb. 19):

Work will be hectic with minor delays. People around will act tough and stubborn. Give them their space and time to rethink rather than pushing your opinions on them. Avoid arguments with a female family member else it will lead to a showdown. Social life will be hectic due to last minute changes in plan.

PISCES (Feb. 20 – Mar. 20):

Work will be stable, but work will not be your focus. You will spend time in resolving other paper work matters, accounts, creativity etc. be discreet about whatever it is that you do today. Take care of lower back. Family life will be stable and evening will be spent in the company of loving friends.

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