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Daily Horoscope

Your Today’s Horoscope – 20th June 2017

According to your today’s horoscope, 20th June 2017

Here’s your today’s horoscope:

Aries (March 21 – April 20):

While work will be stable and you can expect new projects, old nagging issues will be disturbing you mentally. You won’t be able to focus on work due to family stress. Take time out, meet friends, declutter your head, and then go back to dealing with family stress with clarity.

TAURUS (April 21 – May 21):

You will feel helpless today as you might feel stuck for clarity. Unfortunately, not all decisions today lie in your hands. You need to be more patient and let people take the lead. Avoid fear of failure or judgment from people today. Family and social life will take a back seat due to health issues.

GEMINI (May 22 – June 21):

A productive day at work where you inspire and motivate people. You will be on a roll with ideas. You might work with new people who will also add great value to your creative skills. Health will need attention due to exhaustion. Family members will need their space, so be understanding. You’ll reconnect with old friends.

CANCER (June 22 – July 23):

Work will be chaotic as some old client may come back with issues or something that needs to be rectified. You need to be a better listener with people at work. Those trying for a new job will get clarity today. Be patient with family members. Social life will be hectic due to events or even a wedding to go to.

LEO (July 24 – Aug. 23):

A balanced day where you get to do everything you want. Creative energies will be flowing, but don’t seek approval from people. You do what makes you happy at work. Senior members will be supportive of your ideas. A family member’s health will need attention. Social life will be stable.

VIRGO (Aug. 24 – Sept. 23):

While work is stable, your mood will be erratic and slight issues with people at work won’t let you enjoy your day to the fullest. Don’t hold onto past issues with colleagues. If the problem persists, call it an early day to avoid confrontation. Spend quality time with family as they could be feeling neglected. Social life will be hectic.

LIBRA (Sept. 24 – Oct. 23):

You will take a day from ongoing work to streamline chaos. Paperwork, pending emails, calls that are due will be the focus today. Avoid being insecure around family members else it will only make you more edgy and irritable. Stepping out to catch up with old friends will make you feel better.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24 – Nov. 22):

Work will be slow as no matter what you try to do, you won’t see results. Take it easy and focus on channelling creative energies so you feel more confident. Health will need attention due to changes in weather. Family life will take a back seat due to social obligations.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 – Dec. 21):

Work will be hectic with changes at work due to people’s mood swings. Someone might be over demanding. Don’t retaliate as you might regret it later. Family life will be busy due to obligations or plans. Socially, you’ll connect with like-minded people.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 – Jan. 20):

New work today will be exciting and you will go out of your way to meet deadlines and finish pending work. Team members will be supportive. You can expect a deal to get signed today. Keep your schedule open and don’t promise too much to family members, because long working hours can delay or cancel family time, making someone feel disappointed.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 – Feb. 19):

Old clients will come back with more work. Someone will also be interested in collaborating with you. Expect a change in role or responsibility with regards to an old project today. Family life will be slightly stressful due to people’s mood swings. It would be nice to go meet friends to distract your mind.

PISCES (Feb. 20 – Mar. 20):

Work will be hectic and very demanding. You have meetings lined up through the day with brainstorming sessions, and you might face slight criticism or responsibility. You might also differ in opinion with people, but be assertive rather than getting aggressive. Family life will be stable where everyone will give you the space to be. Social life will be slow as you bail out on an event or obligation.

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