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Daily Horoscope

Your Today’s Horoscope – 14th June 2017

According to your today’s horoscope, 14th June 2017

Here’s your today’s horoscope:

Aries (March 21 – April 20):

It will be difficult for you to balance everything today, so its better to pick up your priorities. At first you might face opposition due to certain decisions, but by the end of the day people will understand your point of view. Do make time out for your family members else they might take it personally.

TAURUS (April 21 – May 21):

Work will pick up pace with back-to-back meetings, leaving you with no time for family or social life. You might have to seek some professional financial advice to sort some work out. While meetings will be productive, wait for more clarity before you take any major decisions.

GEMINI (May 22 – June 21):

Work will be slow due to delays or issues from other people. It’s just a phase and people are allowed to make mistakes. Be gentle. Focus on a family member’s emotional well-being. Social life will be hectic as you connect with new friends with similar interests.

CANCER (June 22 – July 23):

It’s important to enjoy the journey rather than constantly thinking about the destination. Work will be stable, but because you are insecure about the future, you may be emotionally restless. Family members will put situations into perspective for you and help you snap out. Friends will feel neglected, but will eventually understand your mood swings.

LEO (July 24 – Aug. 23):

Work will be stable, but your partner’s health or mood swings will concern you today. You will have to address some pressing matters that have been taking a toll on you emotionally. Be communicative but also give the other person the benefit of doubt. Holding on to situations won’t help. By the end of the day, you could be mentally exhausted.

VIRGO (Aug. 24 – Sept. 23):

Work will need more organisation. While you are working on new things, make sure you attend to pending work else it could slow things down for you. You might think of working with or hiring new people. Family members will be supportive. Partner will be compassionate and understanding, giving you the push you need. Socially you will withdraw to clear your mind.

LIBRA (Sept. 24 – Oct. 23):

You need to find things to keep yourself busy. You might just get reactive, bored or hyper at work. There is enough for you to do, provided you focus. Health will need attention. Family and social life will be stable, with last-minute changes in plans.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24 – Nov. 22):

You need to be more focused today. Day dreaming won’t help; you need to take charge. People at work will turn to you for decisions or clarity. Be proactive. Family life will be neglected due to long working hours. Social obligations will need your attention by the end of the day. Chances are that you will meet like-minded people.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 – Dec. 21):

Work will be smooth and everything you take on today will show positive results. You might get appreciation for recent work. There can also be talks of new responsibility or a project. Wait for things to come to you rather than pushing for it. Your evening will be spent in company of family members, even though the topic of conversation will be work developments for yourself or others.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 – Jan. 20):

There will be difference of opinion with people at work, but you will find mutual ground. Don’t allow past experiences to affect the future. You might have to pay attention to your eyes and stomach. Family life will be smooth, but there can be some form of sibling stress. Friends will be busy, due to which you might feel neglected initially, but last-minute plans will cheer you up.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 – Feb. 19):

You have a lot of thoughts and ideas that you will channel today. You might have to seek approval before execution but everything will fall in your favour. A cycle of expansion is on the cards, but make sure you have a plan in place. Family and social life will be slow due to hectic work. Take care of your throat and back. Spend some alone time to reflect on your spiritual side.

PISCES (Feb. 20 – Mar. 20):

Everything will go the way you want, but you will go through issues with people, no matter what you do and how productive your day is. The best way to deal with it is to be in silence and focus on your work. Keep interactions with people at work, family or friends limited. Don’t try to be overconfident as it may backfire. Balance eating patterns.

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