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Time to say goodbye.

Most of the time we end up in relationships believing that they will last forever. The whole idea of marriage is based on “until death do us part” and in a few scenarios, this may not be the case. 

Common reasons for breakups include personality differences, lack of communication and understanding, infidelity, lack of support and of course low satisfaction in terms of emotional well-being. 

Ending a relationship with someone is truly difficult. It brings about many conflicts and resentments hence, a mutual decision should always be prioritised to avoid ending things on a bad note. Only because you love and care for a person even if they are not good for you, you should realise it’s high time to end it without dragging it to the point where both of you are unhappy. 

In any breakup situation, the one thing we should remember is to always be compassionate and kind. 

When we are caught up in our emotions, it becomes difficult for us to consider the emotions then other person may be going through. No matter how unfair it may seem, even if your partner has cheated on you, you must remain considerate. 

Breakups are hard, dealing with emotions is harder. But what’s harder than going through this is sacrificing your sanity and emotions for someone who may not value you how you would expect them to. It’s better to pave your own path and walk away rather than being in an unhappy relationship. 

This is it for today. Stay tuned for more. 

Until next time. 

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