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FHM Breeze

Time to Glow up your skin in 60 seconds.

When you’re happy, your skin glows like it’s lit from within. We found seven simple hacks that make your skin radiant like you just won the lottery while sitting on a beach with your brand-new puppy next to your new BFF.

Fake a flush

Swirl an iridescent powder blush like Nars Wanted Cheek Palette over the apples of your cheeks and around your hairline with a fluffy blending brush.

Give yourself a quick facial.

Beauty vlogger Tanya Burr picked up this skin hack from British facialist Emma Hardie: “When cleansing, Emma taught me to use a microfiber cloth to massage the cleanser into each section of my face with little downward strokes to release tension. My skin instantly looks brighter and energized.”

Add the glow

Now for the pièce de résistance: the highlighter. “Highlighter makes your makeup look lived in, natural, and realistic,” says Sullivan. Though she used Nars Highlighting Powder on me (powder tends to be more shimmery and noticeable), you can also use a cream highlighter for a more subtle effect.

Mist over

The powder is great at setting your makeup but can ruin your glow in the process. “If my skin is matte after I add powder, I’ll spritz it with rose water and then gently press my hands over my face,” says Black. “The warmth from my hands sets the makeup and keeps powder from ruining my glow.”

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