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This woman reveals shocking texts from abusive husband

Marriage is considered to be the the most beautiful and secure relationship. Every other girl dreams of getting married to a guy who protects her, love her and supports her unconditionally. But there are some marriages where women get brutally beaten by their husband. Some hide this from the world as they are scared what might happen to them next, while there are some strong women who come forward and share their story publicly.

Krissykross is one of the victims, who decided to break the silence and share her story with us. Through a series of screenshots of text conversations, we came to know about Adam, her physically, sexually, and emotionally abusive ex-husband.

“Strangers on the internet are better than keeping it inside for so long,” she wrote about her decision to open up three years after the end of it all. Her post has now been viewed over 600,000 times.

Here are the series of texts she shared with us:

This woman reveals shocking texts from abusive husband This woman reveals shocking texts from abusive husband This woman reveals shocking texts from abusive husband This woman reveals shocking texts from abusive husband This woman reveals shocking texts from abusive husband This woman reveals shocking texts from abusive husband

She further went on and shared her story.

This woman reveals shocking texts from abusive husband

This woman reveals shocking texts from abusive husband

This woman reveals shocking texts from abusive husband

This woman reveals shocking texts from abusive husband

This woman reveals shocking texts from abusive husband

This woman reveals shocking texts from abusive husband


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