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Ramadan Kareem is the month of blessings and happiness. It is a very special time of the year when all the muslims of the world fast and pray and give all of their selves completely to their religion. They fast, offer namaz, tahajjud, nafl, recite Quran Shareef, give sadqa jariya, Zakaat and every other good deed. 

There are few things and act that are prohibited in the holy month of Ramadan: 

Let me list few of them.

  • One should try their best to keep all 30 fasts during the holy month. Girls usually are not able to keep all 30 roza’s due to periods and personal situation. But other than that we all should keep all 30 fasts.
  • Second, donot swallow water while brushing your teeth, if you are fasting. That makes your fast Makrooh (disliked). But if you accidently eat or drink then you can continue to keep your fast as unintentionally doesn’t make your Fast Makrooh. 
  • Third, avoid vulgarity, Zinah and many other bad activities. Try not to watch movies, or listen to music or any haram activity. 
  • Fourth, donot hold grudges against any single person. Try to enter the holy month of Ramadan with a clean heart. Avoid negativity and spread positivity only. 

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