FHM Pakistan

Things That Prove Your Love For Food Is Bigger Than Anything!

Without any doubt there is no greater love in this world than the love for food. And it’s super amazing to see how a good food can uplift your spirits. While some people eat to be happy, some people eat in sadness and some people just eat for the sake of eating, because they live to eat!

Whatever the reason, if you’re showing these symptoms then you definitely love food more than anything else in this world.

  1. You upload more pictures of food on your intagram than yours
  2. You love to get free food coupons as a gift on your birthday!

    3. You don’t have a favorite cuisine because you love to eat everything!

    4. Your friends take suggestions from you on which restaurants to visit

    5. You attend weddings only for food

    6. You don’t understand the concept of dieting

    7. You only date people who love food as much as you do


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