FHM Pakistan

Things To Avoid On A First Date

Scoring a date these days is certainly not a big deal, but to make that first date successful, you gotta stop acting like a complete idiot. Don’t get judged on a first date cause first impression is the last impression. To make it easier for you we have jot down few things to avoid on a first date.

Never Be Late


Trust me, this would leave a really bad impact on a guy no matter how awesome he is. It’s better to reach on time, don’t spend to much time talking to yourself in the mirror. Ain’t gonna make you look super cool!

Don’t TALK About Your Ex


If it’s your first ever date ever then it’s okay, but if it’s your date right after a bad breakup, DON’T YOU DARE MENTION HIM! This will make him draw a conclusion that you were at mistake. It won’t take much time for him to be your ex as well then.

Don’t Wear High Heels or Inappropriate Dress

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He wants to know your personality but not the way you dress up. Look elegant and smart, avoid wearing heels on a first date. What if he is a shorty, you will end up giving him complex. Avoid wearing tight clothes, this doesn’t charm men these days.

Keep Your Phone Away


Pay 100% attention to what he is saying, make an eye contact. Don’t make it look that you are taking him for granted and you shouldn’t take him for granted. You never know he could be your Mr. Right 😉

TMI – Not Required


Go slow with the information! Don’t talk too much about what you have done in the past or what plans do you have for future. First date is always like a test date, judge him silently and keep calm.

Minus The Negativity


This is understandable that you have had a bad experience in the past but this doesn’t mean that you see a new guy with the same perspective. Maybe it was in your fate to meet a new guy, just make sure you keep all the negativity away.

Do Not Cry


Crying makes you look week. You need to show everyone that you are the strongest girl ever. S*i* happens with everyone, don’t make it look so obvious in the form of tears. No women is weak, be super strong.

Don’t Even Think Of Using the ‘M’ Word – It’s a Sin!

Okayy! This is certainly something which creates an awkward situation. Never talk about marriage on your first date. Men like to test patience and wants to know the compatibility level. Don’t plan your big day, kids and family with a man you just met. Too early to talk about it, seriously!

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I could actually write a book of things to avoid on a first date but these are the basic tips which could actually save your new relationship. Go on, explore and thank me later, xoxo!

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