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“There was a time when I was also using fairness creams.”: Amna Ilyas

Amna Ilyas, points out how mothers always expect their sons to have a wife who is not just good looking but also fair and beautiful even if they’re own sons have a million side effects in them. Maybe that’s the nature of  mother, they think their child is the best and they should as well.  No offence to moms, but can you really body shame others? No go.

Amna Ilyas further elaborates as that her family always used to tell her that she’s caught a darker shade of skin because of going to school and staying in sun. She was always recommended to use different home remedies to lighter her shade and become fair by her family as well. “People don’t realize how sensitive it is and what kind of impact it can leave on someone’s mind.” says Amna Ilyas.  Where is she wrong? What is so negative or self harming that she cannot raise a finger at?

Amna supports having healthy skin more than a glowing or fair skin. She confessed that there was time when she used to apply fairness creams as well until she started to realize that she does not need to. She finds it uncomfortable when she is asked to put on too much makeup, or when her pictures are extremely photoshopped so her skin looks fair.

“I did not recognize myself in this ad, and so I decided I will never do something or be a part of anything which makes me feel uncomfortable”, says Amna Ilyas while pointing out on how she endorsed for a beauty cream advertisement.

People should be judged on the basis of their personality, beauty does not have standards of having a white skin tone. Girls who are thin, tan or fat or even very dark are all beautiful because they have their own element.

Amna Ilyas concluded as she holds her trophy up high, “All those people who said that I’m ugly just because I’m dark, this is the answer to it.”

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