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The Underdog’s Guide To Surviving The Workplace Jungle

“it’s not what you know, it’s who you know” 

I’m sure we’ve all heard this phrase. 

That couldn’t be truer in the workplace, where favouritism runs rampant!

Haha you know what I’m talking about – the boss’s pet! 

The one who gets all the perks while the rest of us are left toiling away in the shadows.

But why does favouritism even exist?

Sure, some people have a natural charm and likeability, but there are other factors at play as well.

First of all, there’s the brown-nosing factor. 

You know the type – the ones who make themselves indispensible by constantly flattering the boss, giving them coffee, and so on. 

Think about it; when someone appears to think the world of you, it’s kinda’ difficult to resist showing them some favour.

Now comes the the nepotism factor. Ah my favourite!

If you happen to be related to the boss, well, that’s just good luck, isn’t it? You’re practically guaranteed a top spot in the company!

That is, of course, assuming that you are not a total loser.

But hey! Even then, the boss might give you another shot because you are family…

And just like Vin Diesel said, “YOU DON’T TURN YOUR BACK ON FAMILY”

And let’s not forget about the good old-fashioned attractiveness factor. This is where all the fun lies hehe.

I mean come on… it’s a given that good-looking people are more likely to get hired and promoted than their less attractive counterparts. 

It’s not fair, but it’s true… we’re all suckers for a pretty face. It is what it is…

But what about those of us who don’t have the looks, the charm, or the family connections? Are we doomed to toil away in obscurity forever? 

You don’t always have to resort to brown-nosing or nepotism.

You could try actually doing your job well… Crazy, right? 

Okay okay hear me out. Your boss is BOUND to take notice if you consistently produce high-quality work and meet your deadlines. 

Now you might not become the boss’s pet overnight, but hey, least you’ll be respected for your hard work. Something’s better than nothing eh?

Another option is to become an expert in your field.

Go everywhere! Attend conferences, attend events. Just be indispensable! 

If you can become the go-to person for a certain skill, you’ll be seen as valuable to the company, regardless of your looks. 

And finally – networking! 

It’s not just who you know – it’s who knows you!

Make yourself visible. 

You never know who might be impressed by your skills and offer you a better opportunity!

So there you have it. Sure, it’s not always fair, but there are ways to level the playing field. And who knows – maybe someday YOU’LL be the boss’s pet, too.
That’s the dream right?
Just remember to bring them coffee and compliments… Haha!

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