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The secret of happiness.

Happiness is a concept that many humans believe they are unfamiliar with. They spend their entire life chasing the idea of true “happiness”. For some, it can be monetary, for others it means love. 

In this race we call life, does one truly know what defines happiness? Is it financial security? Is it a stable relationship? A thriving career or leisurely living? One can truly never tell. 

The true essence of happiness cannot be chased. It is an idea we all believe means to achieve a certain kind of productivity, asset or security. Real happiness lies within. It is about those little moments that make you who you are. 

Happiness is all about your perception of life. You could be the most successful person yet be lonely and unhappy or you could be someone with millions of problems yet choose to not let those define you and find relief in the blessings you have. The privilege of being alive is a blessing. Life does get tough but there is no reason you must let a bad day or months define how you feel for the next ten years. 

Find peace. Within you. Around you. Once you do, your perception of things transforms and allows you to embrace things gracefully. 

Rather than chasing the idea of happiness, make your own. Find the small things that keep you thriving and driven. Only then, will you ever know what true happiness reflects. 

Until next time. 

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