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The Possibility of a Complete Lockdown Nationwide!

With the lack of obedience from the population amid the pandemic about staying home, and the constant struggle of the daily wage earners for food and bare necessities, as unrealistic as it seems, the only solution that seems like a fool proof option now is that the government may have to impose a complete lock-down of all things.

No one should be allowed to leave their house under any circumstance, if medical attention is required one must call an ambulance, health officials will decide if the patient needs to be hospitalised, and a fixed amount of money should be collected from each household in the country for rations, and allocated in a way that households with no income also receive rations.

This kind of lock-down will bring the country to a standstill but judging by the lack of respect for authorities and their own health that the inhabitants of this country our showing, the government will be left with no other option. This would be a DISGRACE. This would be a TRAGEDY.

We implore everyone to please remain home and follow the instructions that the government is advising for us, and whatever ZAKAT we were supposed to give out next month, GIVE IT NOW to ease the burden of the households who cannot earn a living in these trying times.

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