FHM Pakistan


We are humans with good and bad bundled together. When a child is born in the world, the heart is pure and it takes in whatever it observes while growing. When we get matured, it is time to shape ourselves into a good person. This can be done by washing away unwanted thoughts and habits from us and cultivating new and positive habits and disciplines as a part of life. Such a change can happen with a well determined resolution. Every year, we can make our mind ready to accept good things that are difficult though and leave off the bad ones that are hard to leave though. Setting New Year Resolution is a good habit to renew ourselves year after year. Everyone has more room for improvement .”New Year New Me”right ? everyone says that, however, they don’t make New Year’s resolutions. We make New Year’s resolutions because we want to be the best version of ourselves. We make resolutions so that we challenge ourselves, and be able to do the best of our ability in life. Making New Years Resolutions are important as you can see. I made New Year Resolutions for myself because I would like to push myself, not to be the best than anyone but better than the person I was yesterday.

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