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The ideal career options based on your zodiac sign!


Aries are natural born leaders, they have an easy time working on themselves into becoming one badass boss. But heads up: You’re not the only one who’s the best at working for a boss, as you can become irritated by micromanagement and restriction, not to worry, Aries, you will rise to the top in no time, and that is only possible, when you make sure to finish what you start.

You tend to start a lot of projects, but you don’t actually finish any of them on your own. That’s where a good, supportive team of friends or colleagues comes in: they can take your creative ideas and run with them.


Anything competitive or physically is right up your alley. For example: outdoor guide, personal trainer, athlete, or working for a sports organization. Or, a CEO (as mentioned above) or other management professional isn’t far off that you like being in control to do.


As a worker, taurus employees are grounded and practical, making them ideal in a workplace as they can move from a leader to a follower in any situation. You are more naturally inclined to lead, however, more of your hard work and dedication can make you a great team player, though your stubborn nature can be a little off-putting, you will need to pick up your battle and fight it, when it comes to your projects and conflicts that you have to face.


One of the most dependable and hardworking signs; you will thrive in an environment that rewards determination and dedication. Jobs like flower arranging, food industry jobs, or luxury sales. These kind of jobs provide the two main things that ‘Taurus’ value most; beautiful things and a steady routine. Tauruses are also great with money and practical financial advice, making them ideal for banking and finance careers.


Geminis thrive in fast-paced, stimulating environments that offer them variety and the chance to interact with many different things, whether it is people or the environment. You can quickly move through anything at a rapid speed, but beware: this also means you can get bored quickly, if not given a diverse task list. Just make sure you don’t fall into a tedious work environment, and you will be happy.


Anything that requires relaying information and keeping up with tons of different topics, is certainly an ideal career path for Gemini. Teaching and communications are perfect for you. You are mentally active and love to process a lot of different aspects of a project. PR, publicity or a project manager would also work for you.


Cancers are the most traditional, nurturing sign of the zodiac, you are likely to lead and can handle responsibility with ease. You are, by definition, a caretaker, so any job that let you give other people a good advice or help them solve their problems, would certainly make cancerians happy. You don’t do well in careers where you can’t see your work making a difference or getting results that you want, so you make sure you get the motivation you need from your managers with the regular check-ins or reports.


Cancers make natural childcare workers and nannies, they also make amazing social workers, human resource employees, lawyers, teachers and executives. Health care and wellness are also important part of this sign, so anything that revolves around this arena, like being a dietitian or nutritionist are perfectly suitable for this sign.


Leos love exposure and attention but not always in a “look at me” kind of way, you just love inspiring others to be the best. Teaching and politics are natural fits for the lion, and they are some of the best bosses – once they win over their team, that is. Leos have the tendency to be high maintenance and can often disrupt team environments, but you usually win everyone over at the end with your charm and good nature.


Teaching and politics are a great fit for you, anything that has to do with entertaining others, such as acting, music, movie work, or even costume design, can also pique your interest. You can also make magnetic leaders, so CEO and directors aren’t far off for the Leo.


Virgo’s are the perfectionist, and ever ready at the service of others. Being a natural follower, you are compassionate and considerate, and you take direction pretty well. As a boss, you are practical and protective, while demanding the best from others. You have the tendency to be hard on yourself – harder than anyone else, so you need to be reminded by others not to get lost in the details every once in while.


Virgos have the best memory and their perfectionism means, they deal well with mass amounts of information and know what to do when emotions run high. They do extremely well in the service and care industries, as servers, running shops, working at the front desk, and as therapists, while they also excel at anything that requires mass amounts of research or stats, editor, technician, translator or detective.


Libras are social and great at bringing people back together, so you’re a great mediator in and out of the office. The sign of balance, reading people and understanding people’s motivations comes naturally to you, and you can often use this to your advantage in any job or career field, assistant, translator, broker, salesperson, etc.


Law enforcement and justice are natural fits for you. You are a people person at heart, so working with others is crucial to your happiness, think hospitality, customer service, diplomats, travel agent, and even a wedding planner.


No one can keep a secret quite as well as you, scorpio, and that is something you can use in your career, as you are placed in positions that require discretion. You thrive in the midst of intelligence organizations, top-level or secret negotiations or handling confidential papers or very expensive goods. You also love a challenge to investigate, and in that case, your intensity is legendary.


You could be a secret agent, or a detective, or as working in crisis management (things that need a high level of secrecy). You are also great resource management and logistics, and would make an outstanding chief financial officer.


Sagittarius have a knack for conversing with others, inspiring morale, working hard as a team player, adapting to change, and encouraging others to enjoy the jobs that they do. Meaning, you’re simply good at everything you do. Many careers will fit the bill for you, as long as you are not restricted by hierarchy and too many rules.


You love to travel and learn from others in every part of the world, so any job related to the travel industry is a perfect fit for you. Like, a job of tourism? And since you love inspiring others, you could also be a great teacher, youth program leader or working for a non-profit organization.


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