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The Bold & Brilliant AC North Nazimabad – Hazim Bangwar

Tell us about the true essence of who Hazim Bangwar really is?

I’m alot of things, but at the core I would say I’m a someone who believes in kindness, going out there and loving and helping people. Hard work and resilience. Basically a firework who does it all but in style. 

Shed some light on your educational and professional journey.

I was raised in New York and completed my high school there and later for my bachelors degree I moved to London where I first studied Fashion Marketing and then did L.L.B. During my bachelors I use to work as a sales consultant at Selfridges and did quite a few internships aswell while also creating and selling music on the side. One thing let to another, and before I need knew it I was signing my first record deal.

How has the shift from Hollywood and back to Pakistan been for you?

It’s definitely been different but wonderful. There has been alot of getting use to, especially in terms of weather and food. But there’s is so much potential here and I’m watching Pakistan change on daily basis and being part of that is priceless.

You’ve had a remarkable journey in Hollywood’s music industry with renowned names like Ariana Grande and Nicki Minaj. Tell us about your upcoming ventures.

I honestly can’t express how thrilling it is working and write for such talented artists. Currently I’m working on my second album, which I can’t wait to share with everyone as it’s such a treat. The album has so much to do with my experience in Pakistan and it is heavily influenced by mom’s Arabic roots along. It’s the kind of music and art that going to level up the Pakistani music industry.

You are truly a fashion icon who has broken stereotypes and motivated many young individuals, what inspires you?

I’ve travelled the world and I feel that I’m someone who gets inspired by real things and real life events. Reading or hearing a story is what mostly inspires. Different cultures that I’ve comes across inspire me, and that also translate into my fashion choices. 

What are your thoughts on the current state of Pakistani music industry?

Pakistani music industry could use some tuning up (no pun intended). I was surprised to know that I was the only artist so far who has hit international music charts. There’s so much talent here and it saddens me to see that artist here are not willing to push the envelope. 

What is your vision for North Nazimabad during your tenure?

I have so many plans for North Nazimabad but mainly my plan would be to provide every citizen living in North Nazimabad with basic necessities which include, water, proper roads, Street lights and more. Following which I have some projects which are in process which will make North Nazimabad the prime location to visit in Karachi. 

What would you advise the youth who want to join the government?

The government is a wonderful sector to be a part of as you have so many resources at your disposal to help the public and more. However not all is gold and glitter. Being part of the government means taking responsibility of the job assigned and insuring the completion of that task. It also means that you need to serve that public and be available whenever needed, for no matter how long, which in my case is 18 hours at day at times. 

Any message that you would like to share with youngsters and those who want to chase their dreams?

Achieving your dreams can feel like climbing Everest, while the rest will tell you that it’s impossible. But you can do anything that you want to, and if you every doubt yourself then simply look up and you’ll footprints on the moon.

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