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The best way to control your anger is to express it!

We all have ‘Anger’ issues, and we all try our best to hide our ‘Anger’ issues. What exactly does Anger mean? I’ll tell you, Anger is an intense emotion that you feel when something has gone wrong or someone has wronged you. It is typically characterized by feelings of stress, frustration, and irritation. Everyone feels anger from time to time. It’s a perfectly normal response to frustrations or difficult situations. At times it is really hard to control your anger. We all express our anger in different ways. Few of the characteristics are: Raised voices, Screaming, frowning, physically trembling, sweating and pacing excessively, Rapid heartbeats and many more.

Anger is a very healthy and normal emotion that every human being or even an animal goes through. But it can also affect your mental health if it gets worse. Worst anger that gets out of control can often lead you to serious medical conditions like diabetes, insomnia, anxiety, depression, ulcers and many more.

The best way to control your anger is to express it, not in an aggressive way but in an assertive manner. Suppressing your anger and then converting or re-directing it to other positive ways, is another way. You can also get rid of anger by distracting yourself, by talking about it. If you’re mad at something or id you’re angry about something or someone then just discuss it out instead of losing your mind. Talking and discussing it out is the best solution to calm your anger.

Neyha Khilji

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