FHM Pakistan
Health & Fitness

The Benefits of Drinking Detox Water (with Recipes)

Our bodies are amazingly efficient self-cleaning machines that work to naturally detoxify our blood, lymphatic system, lungs — you name it — 24 hours a day.

With that being said, yogis throughout history have been practicing detoxification methods. From Ayurvedic detoxes (including the Vastra Dhauti detox where you swallow a cloth to clean out the esophagus, stomach, and intestines) to fasts, to certain asana postures to help the body along in its cleansing process, with a firm belief that these practices hold the key to optimum health.

The better hydrated we are, the better our organs and systems can push out toxins and do their jobs properly to help keep us squeaky clean and vibrant. And one of the newer topics in detoxing is detox water, or infused water.

The Benefits of Drinking Detox Water

The beauty of detox water isn’t so much that you’ll be packing a huge nutritional punch by infusing your spring water with fruits and veg, but that it can be a big help if you’re trying to cut other, harmful drinks out of your repertoire such as soft drinks or sugary coffee drinks.

The better your water tastes, the more water you will be inclined to drink, hopefully replacing the bad-for-you beverages with your fancy — yet oh so easy — new detox water. Your body will thank you, and you will probably notice a brighter, more vibrant, and better-functioning version of yourself in no time. Violá!

So, on that happy note, here are some easy ways to make your own detox water, using any quantities you prefer. Just remember to buy organic whenever possible and to eat the good stuff at the bottom for an added fiber and nutrient boost!

Warm Water with Lemon, a.k.a The Yogi’s Digestive Elixir

You don’t need to swallow a towel to keep your digestive system fresh and clean! Simply squeeze the juice of half a lemon into a cup of warm water and drink first thing in the morning before breakfast.

How It Helps You Detox:

This is so easy and effective, and has immediate results on your digestive system in the form of elimination.

Lemon: The lemon juice acts as a natural astringent to clean out the bowels, and the warm water gets things moving to help you release everything your body no longer needs. Vitamin C is a natural antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and metabolism booster. The sourness also stimulates Agni, the digestive fire.

Cucumber, Ginger, Mint, and Lime Water, a.k.a The Yogi’s Cocktail

This is the yogic version of my two favorite cocktails rolled into one luscious, powerfully detoxing, (alcohol-free) thirst-quencher.

It’s a combination of the ingredients for a Moscow Mule and a Mojito — minus the booze, sugar, and ice — otherwise known as a detoxer’s nightmare. Give it a try, you just might like it even more than the originals!


One carafe of spring water
1/4 cucumber
1-inch chunk of ginger root, sliced according to taste (I’m obsessed with ginger, so I grate it to ensure I get the pulp with the water, but you might prefer chunks or slices)
A few sprigs of mint
One lime (more or less according to taste)
How It Helps You Detox:

Cucumber: Hydrating, full of nutrients, and anti-inflammatory.

Ginger: Stimulates digestion and circulation — two very important factors in detoxing.

Mint: Activates salivary glands to stimulate the digestive process.

Lime: High in Vitamin C, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, helps produce enzymes that promote optimal liver functioning.

Coconut Water Pina Colada

Another zinger without the bad stuff, this mix uses the super-hydrating powers of coconut water along with nutrient-dense pineapple and blueberry. Coconut water is naturally very sweet, so if you’re looking to replace soda or sugary lattés with healthier options, this might be a good gateway drink for you!


One carafe of coconut water
One cup of fresh pineapple chunks or rings
One half cup of fresh organic blueberries

How It Helps You Detox:

Coconut water: High in fiber to provide a natural way to stimulate digestion, super hydrating powers.

Pineapple: Immune-system boosting, anti-inflammatory, good for digestion, and aids in circulation.

Blueberry: Huge anti-oxidant content, which fight development of free-radicals (a.k.a toxins!) that can lead to a myriad of health problems

Cheers to your health!

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