FHM Pakistan


Let it all go….why letting go is important ? Letting go is often one of the most difficult things that we have to do in our lives, yet sometimes it is the only way that we can get ourselves to move forward. It can be especially difficult to let go of things that we still really want to hold on to. These things often times, whether they are objects, people, or ideas, are usually things that we have a hard time admitting that we don’t need because we still like them so much. For some reason, we have conditioned ourselves to think that we need to hold on to them because the thought of them going away or the thought of us missing them is just too much.  We have all had at least one point in our lives where we have faced the decision of whether we should let go of or hold on to something or someone. There is a saying by Paulo Coelho, “If you’re brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello.”

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