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Talk to your kids about ‘Sexual Abuse’ before it’s too late. . .

Sexual Abuse is a taboo, but the most terrifying one! However, it could become a nightmare when something like this is happening with your kids or has ever happened with them. The trauma, pain and fear that these children have to go through is incomprehensible, but parents need to be alert about such instances as kids can never understand what’s happening with them. So, don’t let this be too late.

Even if kids know about the sexual abuse, most of the time, they do not report about it due to the fear and judgement of people. However, as a parent, it is your responsibility to talk to them directly about this and explain them the barriers that they have maintain, and when they should be cautious to report them to you:

Here are the ways you can talk to your kids:

Show Your Love, Not Fear:

It is extremely mandatory that you talk to your children, especially girls, about sexual abuse. However, you need to be patient and loving while talking to them about it. Do not show them that this is the thing that needs to be feared. If you depict any signs of distress or horror over it, they might completely shell out, and in future if such thing happen, they might consider not telling you.

Do not subject to this topic as dirty, as they will lose their self-confidence for forever. So be calm with a casual attitude and a matter of fact tone, while talking about it.

Start This Conversation From A Young Age:

It is important that you educate your children about the abuse happening around them from a very young age. Start telling them about the vultures that might be surrounding them, from the age they can actually understand. What you teach your children in an immature age will stay with them forever.

Teach Them About Their Private Body Parts:

There! We have said the phrase. Yes, you need not to hesitate and stammer, but tell your children about their private body parts and that no one is allowed to touch them without your consent. Tell them that they should inform you if anybody ever dares to touch them inappropriately at these places.

Remember, do not forget to tell them that if someone did such sort of thing or tried to do, it’s not their fault and that they should not be ashamed of it.

Learn To Trust The Instinct:

Instead of piling up fear in them, tell them that they need to believe in their gut instinct. Teach them that they should base their observations around everyone, instead of relying on you all the time.

The best part to get this message across is to teach your children that if they don’t feel comfortable in presence of someone, they should excuse and just leave. There is no thing as being ‘rude,’ safety always comes first.

The Most Important Thing To Do. . . 

Do you know what is the most significant thing if you want to cater the aspect of sexual abuse? Be friends with your children, have regular casual and polite conversations. Ask them to share their day with you regularly, so that even if something like this happens and they don’t understand, you can! This will not only develop a strong relationship, but will sow the seeds of trust in the hearts of your children.

Tell them that no matter what happen, you will believe them and will stay by their side with ears open always for secrets.

Start talking, you never know when it gets too late. . . 

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