FHM Pakistan
Health & Fitness

Take regular facials! Skincare is important.

The face is that important part of your body that needs extra care because it is exposed to environmental elements such as dust, wind, ultraviolet rays of the sun, and the smoke of vehicles. The accumulation of these elements on your skin making it dull and also result in open pores and blackheads. Therefore, a deep cleansing and moisturizing facial is one way to get rid of all the dirt from your face.

A facial is something more than just putting cucumbers on your eyes and applying some moisturizing cream on your face. A good facial always has a 20-30 minutes gentle facial massage, moisturizers, toners, and a mask in the end that deeply cleans all the pores filled with dirt. If these pores are not cleaned, they may result in blackheads and eventually pimples. Hence, it is vital to keep your skin clean and healthy.

Many women buy anti-aging creams and apply directly to their aging skins. As a result, the creams do not produce the actual outcome they are supposed to give. This happens when you do not take care of your face. If such creams are used along with the regular facials, they will always provide better results. The reason behind is, that facial relaxes the face muscles and tones it, so the cream gets absorbed into the skin properly.

How often should we take facials?

Give your skin a boost once a month! Facials yield better results only after every thirty days. If you apply facial products too often on your face they might result in side-effects. Also, the skin gets thinner, the more you rub it with creams and scrubs.

Spending on a good facial can actually save you from future troubles regarding skin. Let’s have a look at some of its advantages.

  • After receiving facial, makeup application becomes smooth and even. There’s no need for putting extra coverage as the less makeup and natural glow are enough.
  • The deep cleansing and exfoliation of the face enhances the complexion, improves the skin’s texture, and makes it tight.
  • The gentle massage with hand-fingers relaxes the skin and makes it feel refreshed. It does wonders. Seriously! The hand massage can actually kick off tiredness and maintains a wrinkle-free face.
  • The most significant role of a facial is to repair the skin cells. The damaged cells are peeled off by the help of scrubs and masks. And the new cells are formed after a healthy massage. Therefore, a little effort on your face adds a glow and beauty to it.

So girls! What are you waiting then? Go get a facial and revitalize your skin. Stop using fairness creams and pay attention to skincare that you’re missing out.


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