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Strong Business Women In Pakistan

We all know business is an activity which is done to boost up economy of the country and increase production and distribution of both, goods and services. Talking about Pakistan, it is completely normal for a man to start his business and be a CEO. But when we get to know some women wants to have her own startup at the same time, we instead of pushing her, discourage her, because “log kya kahenge?”

Not just Pakistan, this problem is faced by every woman around the globe because there is this myth that, “Women can’t be a CEO”. There are a lot of different challenges faced by women when talking about doing either a job or own a company. Some of the challenges might be of childcare, finding funding, sexism, fear of failure, low self-confidence or lack of resources. We are living in a 21st century and still fighting on same gender equality issue from last we don’t know how many years. Why a male can have children and be a CEO at the same time? Why does a female have to be at home always to look after her kids and do house chores? Why a man can own company but a woman can’t? Why does a man get the whole support and motivation but a woman doesn’t? Why does it always have to be this much complicated for a woman only?

There are a lot of questions in our mind, as a woman, which no one ever answered. No one ever tried to clear our confusions, that what exactly is stopping us to be somewhere in life? If we, as a woman, support our fathers, brothers, husbands and sons in their every struggle so, why can’t they?



Below is the list of some of the strong business women in Pakistan who gives us strength and courage to be somewhere in life, regardless of what the society says. We need to look up to them and try to follow their footsteps.

  • Nabila Maqsood

Nabila is one of the well-known personality, just not in Pakistan only, but out of the country as well. When we talk about Nabila Maqsood, as an individual, we can’t miss discussing what she is exactly famous for. Nabila Maqsood not just Nabila’s salon but also, NGents which is for all the men in country. She is also famed for her small makeup kit which is named as, “Zero Makeup’ palette. She first opened her salon in 1986. She has opened multiples outlets all over Pakistan and has also worked with top most celebrities of country. Not just this, she was also an official hair and makeup partners at IIFA-Awards 2018. She is a headstrong lady with having clear visions in her mind and an inspiration for many girls out there.

  • Sultana Siddiqui

Sultana Siddiqui is a boss lady, who is no less than a man when it comes to the strength and courage she holds. She is known as “Sultana Apa’ and is very closely linked to media industry. She is director, producer, president and founder at HUM Network Limited. She first started her career as a producer for PTV. She has given a lot of opportunities to the newbies who wanted persuade acting. In short, she makes us realize that nothing is impossible.


  • Jehan Ara

Jehan Ara is none other than a woman, who raise her voice for issues like social justice and women empowerment within IT community. She is role model for many girls who want to persuade IT career but can’t because of society pressure. She is the president of Pakistan Software Houses Association (P@SHA). She is often seen at different universities across Pakistan for different webinars and seminars. She helps us to understand how important it is to stand up for yourself, because no one else will.

  • Roshane Zafar

Talking about women rights and business strong women, without mentioning Roshane Zafar would be highly unfair. She owns a foundation know as, “Kashf Foundation” which was founded in 1996, she’s a managing director there. The foundation is being made to enhance women’s economic role within Pakistani households. For her endless efforts and dedication, she was awarded ‘Tamgha-e-Imtiaz’ in 2007.

  • Kulsoom Lakhani:

While mentioning the list of business women and CEOs, we can’t miss Kulsoom Lakhani. She is a CEO at invest2inovate, which supports young entrepreneurs and help them to grow their business. She is one of those motivational speakers who make you realize that you need to start your own business because she already has trained entrepreneurs and civil society leaders around the globe. After hearing her story, we all now need a startup too.



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