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Would you stop if you saw this little girl all alone on the street?

Would you stop if you saw a little girl all alone the street? Standing there without any reason and all confused and bewildered. UNICEF experiment the general psyche of people, and if they would stop or not. The results are shocking:

Though this social experiment was conducted by UNICEF in 2016, it is just only that the video has re-emerged and went excessively viral all over the world. It depicts the ruthless face and reality of this society and how we have forgotten the basic norms. People would not mind helping and asking a girl who has a clean and decent appearance, but if the girl is disheveled they would naturally assume that she is not worthy of being helped.

Where are we leading as just being ‘HUMANS’? Is this where this world is heading – a plain, brutal and a cold society that is only interested in making its own ends meet and working for its own benefit? Let me leave you with these questions to ponder over and decide what would you have done, if it were you and not these people?

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