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Stereotypes that should end with 2016

The world is a funny place. We live to be distinctive and strive to fit in at the same time, adding fuel to the fire of collective stereotypes while moving forward.

We like to see every individual through a different lens instead of bucketing them in categories. We like meeting fun people in this funny world and figuring out what makes them stand out.

Every culture has certain stereotypes, Pakistanis have too. Here’s a list of few Pakistani stereotype;

Gender stereotypesStreotypes that should end with 2016

There are many stereotypes we may all be guilty of, such as assuming that all women want to marry and have children, or that all men love sports. Men and women are individuals, they are more than just male or female. Our gender is only part of who we are, it does not define us as people.

Love stereotypesStreotypes that should end with 2016

If a guy puts you into his friend zone, he may not stereotype you into any of these women, but if a guy doesn’t see you as a friend, and considers you as a dating potential, big chances are, you’re in one of these categories in a guy’s mind.

Age stereotypesStreotypes that should end with

Like racism and sexism, ageism is a social disease fed by stereotypes. Elders are lumped together under the heading of “old” and attributed a demeaning set of characteristics: senile, sickly, unattractive, greedy, cranky, and child-like.

To transform the way our society sees older people we must combat ageism in the everyday interactions and cultural exchanges where stereotypes are conveyed and reinforced.

We live in a world where everyone and everything is presumed. We have reservations for all. It’s hard for us to look at anybody with a fresh outlook and welcome his differences. And not just that, we are ourselves constantly in the race of trying to fitting ourselves in! Why? What is the need to stereotype things? It’s really a high time we start looking at the world with a new and prejudice free glasses.

My advice for you all is; leave these stereotypes back at home, these ridiculous Pakistani stereotypes won’t take you anywhere but hold you back.

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