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Smoking a habit or peer pressure!

Smoking Smoking every where I go, be it adults or for that matter even teens! Yes you heard it right even “Teens”. I recently saw Instagram posts of girls merely from grade 8th and 9th proudly roaming around on the streets of Phase 8, with older boys and cigertte in their hands, enjoying loud music in a car full of smoke.

This literally left me frozen for a while, I being a mother had Goosebumps. Where is our generation going, what is this leading to?

Peer influence has long been known as a major risk factor for adolescent smoking, but findings have varied about how big the risk is or how this dynamic unfolds. Peer pressure is one aspect of peer socialization, in which adolescents are influenced by their friends. The importance of peer influence has been overestimated, and that the clustering of smoking behaviour within peer groups could be because adolescents seek out friendships with individuals who share similar interests, of which smoking may be just one prospect.

Parents really need to be vigilant, and save their kids from such habits which will eventually destroy their future. Life is precious you don’t become parents by just giving birth, this is when the actual responsibility starts.

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