FHM Pakistan

Silisponge- A new way to apply foundation

The last thing any beauty addict need is more beauty products. As a product hoarder myself, I know that girls who really love makeup already have enough eye shadow palettes, foundations, brushes, skincare creams, and the list goes on forever.

This new beauty blender is a new makeup tool that doesn’t absorb anything, How cool is that?

S I L I S P O N G E * Use very very little product and that’s the key! Build/stack if you need more coverage. * Use circular motion to spread and tap to blend and settle . Wasting products is history now cos, of course, it doesn’t soak in a thing! Tried it today, and the foundation needed is literally just half the amount compared to directly using brush or sponge. Spreading product with it will take some getting used to, final blending can always be finished with oval brush or usual sponge (for example beautyblender), that means washing the oval brush or the sponge will be minimized and they will last a whole lot longer. It is ideal for people who don’t like messy fingers during makeup. AND I bet you can imagine cleaning THIS APPLICATOR will literally take no more effort than rubbing it with a little soap and rinsing with some luke warm water. If you are a professional makeup artist, can you imagine how exciting it is that you can use it on one client/model, clean it with a makeup remover and sanitizing spray, and then you can use it on another client/model immediately just like that? Throwing away disposable sponge can totally be minimized!!!! . ?FREE WORLDWIDE SHIPPING? www.mollycosmeticsshop.com . #siliconesponge #clearsponge . #mollycosmetics #matteliquidlipstick #liquidmattelipstick #trendmood #makeupsponge #wakeupandmakeup #makeupaddict #mua #makeup #makeupartist #vegasnay #입술연지 #매트립스틱 #口紅 #뷰티스타그램 #화장품 #코스메틱 #화장품스타그램 #beautyblender #blender #makeupsponge

A video posted by M O L L Y C O S M E T I C S (@mollycosmetics) on

According to Molly Cosmetics’ Instagram page:

“The foundation needed is literally just half the amount compared to directly using brush or sponge. Spreading product with it will take some getting used to, final blending can always be finished with oval brush or usual sponge that means washing the oval brush or the sponge will be minimized and they will last a whole lot longer. It is ideal for people who don’t like messy fingers during makeup.”

How you clean the #SiliSponge. #mollycosmetics

A video posted by M O L L Y C O S M E T I C S (@mollycosmetics) on

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