FHM Pakistan
FHM Breeze

Morning shows or disgrace to culture?

A person wakes up in the morning peacefully prepares breakfast and as switches on the television what he or she gets to watch is a fake bunch of people dancing  promoting other cultures cracking stupid jokes and wasting time.

We being Pakistanis are known for our culture and religion world wide but how do we portray that via our media ? Lets be honest most of the people who are inspired by the cultures of others and in that they forget their own recognition.

For instance Morning shows that manipulate the housewives and others who watch morning shows on daily basis. Its a waste of time as there is no such informative session or anything that can make your day productive. Morning shows were introduced for the housewives to help them in daily life problems and to brief them about different things at home by doctors or consultants and also herbalists, cooking etc.



This is a horrible reality now a days that morning shows only focuses on singing, dancing and promoting Bollywood trend by using the name of Pakistan. They all have a competition with each other in which they forget the quality of their content and topics. They should realize that not everyone can afford an exorbitantly priced designer dress and jewels, not to mention the numerous expensive gifts they continuously stress are the “right” of the newlywed couple.

It is ironic how the media has very conveniently forgotten the power it has; instead of inculcating in the people a notion of civil rights and duties, talking about intellectual fields of thought or any such, it focuses mostly on getting as many ratings as possible, regardless of the low standard of production.

Why not teach them to enjoy happiness instead of riches? Why not talk about simplicity, love and mutual respect between the couple rather than who has given the fattest dowry to whom? Sometimes the people invited somewhat are insulted on their appearance and that should never be considered as a joke.


Media play a major role in the betterment of culture and represents a country, priority should never be rating but content because we should never forget that we are representing our country by these morning shows and we are changing the perception of a common house wife in most of the houses.

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FHM Pakistan