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Shaniera Akram is upset over the violation of covid19 SOPs!

Shaniera Akram, wife of cricketer Wasim Akram expressed disgust on the breach of SOPs across Pakistan. As the country reopened after weeks of lockdown, citizens across Pakistan breached SOPs on coronavirus. She shared her concerns in the latest tweet.

The social activist felt perturbed as she watched pictures of congested roads, traffic jams, crowded markets, and public places. With people brazenly breaching the preventive measures of social distancing and the use of masks and hand sanitizers. The acute breach of SOPs has upset her to the point that she wants to cry, the celebrity said in a tweet.

The shopping frenzy of citizens who swarmed the markets on the first day of ease in restrictions has plunged people into fear and concerns.

The disregard of mandatory SOPs at public places is anticipated to soar COVID-19 cases at an exponential rate in Pakistan. Hence, the irresponsible behavior of citizens startled Shaniera Akram.

“Seeing footage of traffic blocked roads, congested streets and market places and hundreds of people without even a mask on. This country makes me want to cry,” tweeted Shaniera Akram.

The preventive measures of social distancing and isolation are the only way out until the world finds vaccine against COVID-19.

Breach of SOPs on Coronavirus

Yesterday, Pakistan’s social media brimmed with footages of crowded market places from across Pakistan. The markets across Pakistan were shut during the coronavirus lockdown since March.

The government of Pakistan had announced to ease the lockdown, allowed the businesses and markets to reopen after protests from traders and businessmen. The traders had argued that lockdown is hitting them hard. Moreover, the government also believed the economy of Pakistan can no longer afford the suspension of business activities. Hence, to roll the economy and curb the rising unemployment, the state decided to uplift the restrictions. Also, the traders anticipated covering losses in the next few days as the festival of Eid is near.

Moreover, the trader bodies had assured the government to follow SOPs and enforce social distancing protocols in the markets. The traders, however, did not keep the promise. Therefore, the ease in lockdown is posing a potential threat to coronavirus cases in Pakistan.

The customers mostly women along with children thronged the markets and bazaars without wearing masks or following other safety guidelines on COVID-19.

Chaos and mayhem took over the cities across Pakistan as the administration seemed helpless to control the rowdy crowd.

Not only Shaniera Akram but several other social media users also expressed concern about the situation. A large group of people opposed the government’s decision to ease restriction when coronavirus cases are increasing in Pakistan.

A cross-section of commentators asserted that the inability to enforce the SOPs and guidelines will cause a massive explosion of coronavirus cases in Pakistan, to the point where the country’s frail health system will fail to accommodate the COVID-19 patients.

Shaniera Akram urged people to follow SOPs

Hence, Shaniera Akram and other celebrities are still urging people to follow preventive measures against coronavirus to elude large-scale devastation in the country. Earlier, in her previous tweet, Shaniera Akram had stressed people to follows SOPs when lockdown eases in the country.

She tweeted, “If the lockdown eases and you must go out, just follow the rules, wear a mask, gloves and always maintain social distances. The responsibility is up to us! #CoronaFreePakistan.”

“Lifting or easing the lockdown even if only in phases, does not in any way mean we are on the other side of this. The lockdown lift has been implemented to help our economy not our social lives,” she further said and added, “The second wave is coming and All of us need to follow the rules, now more than ever.”

However, the government continues to call people to follow SOPs on COVID-19 even after lockdown.

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