FHM Pakistan
Health & Fitness

Self-Care and Wellness Regimen!

What with all of us bring stuck in our homes this season; we have a lot of time on our hands to focus on our health and wellness. Taking inspiration from the following celebrities might help kickstart our self care regimens for sure; and there’s a lot we can learn from. These women shared how they make time to look after themselves, whether that’s with a workout, meditation, or eating foods that make them feel best. Here are some ideas you’ll definitely want to borrow.

Tori Kelly

“I try to get a full 30 minute workout in at least 5 days a week but, if I’m honest, there are some days I just don’t feel like doing anything. On those days I have found a way to still keep the momentum going by doing 40 push-ups, 40 dips, 40 sit-ups, & 40 squats. It’s such a quick little routine that I don’t even think about it and I can go on with my day knowing I did something active!”

Precious Lee

“As a model, it’s my job to know my angles and my body for posing for the camera. But saying affirmations and dancing while in the mirror has become part of my self-care routine. Dancing in general makes me feel present and alive, but adding in positive sayings to myself makes me feel empowered before starting my day. Even if you aren’t a dancing machine like me (which you probably are and if you aren’t, try it!) looking in the mirror and saying something as simple as ‘I am amazing, I will conquer this meeting today, I will book this job today, I’m inspiring, I’m capable,’ can put you in the right place mentally and emotionally before you leave your home.

The dancing part just makes things more fun and freeing. Afterwards I feel energized to take on whatever may happen outside of my door. Society can beat you up with all the stereotypical expectations and ideals, but when you have something you do for yourself to combat that on a regular basis, you will realize that you are an indomitable spirit. ”

Sepideh Moafi

“First thing I do when I wake up is read something that’ll wiggle my senses, usually a poem. It’s important to me (especially with a busy schedule) to carve out the time to rev up my creativity.  As I get ready I stream the news online to keep up with current events, then by the time I’m in the kitchen I’m on to music. Music alters my state so depending on what I’m craving; I’ll listen to anything from Bach to Calvin Harris.

I am a fiend for exercise, so if I’m not working that morning I’ll take a class. While classes keep me motivated and strong, I have a passion for Argentinean tango which gives me a deep physical, emotional, and spiritual connection to my body.  I truly believe your health is all about finding that internal/external balance. I’m still on a lifelong quest for that sweet spot, but these activities help keep my mind and body primed.”

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