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Safety vs Shaadi??

It feels like everyone in Pakistan has gotten married In the last few months This is quite ironic as covid-19 has had the world shut down for almost a year now. Somehow many young Pakistanis saw Covid-19 as the perfect opportunity to get married and start a new life. This would make sense if they would limit the functions to one, with only close friends and family, abiding to the Covid-19 SOP’s. This would save huge amounts of money for the families and would allow the couples to have an intimate event on their special day with the people that they love and adore.

But no! It is mandatory to have a thousand events and call a million people as if Covid doesn’t even exist. Weddings have taken place all over Karachi in the past few months where hardly anyone was seen wearing a mask or maintaining a safe distance. People were having the time of their lives as if this was the last wedding they were ever going to attend. I mean there’s nothing wrong with that, just that Covid-19 has taken the lives of millions of people globally and the least we can do is follow the SOP’s. People do not understand their responsibility as individuals and go as far as believing that Covid is a hoax. So many families have massively suffered with covid-19 after attending weddings and many people’s conditions became very serious. People have lost their loved ones due to being irresponsible like this and you only realize the magnitude of Covid-19 when you suffer from it personally.

Nobody’s telling you to cancel your weddings but extra care needs to be taken to keep our families and loved ones safe from the pandemic. A wedding doesn’t have to be grand and extravagant to be impactful. You don’t need huge, heavily decorated wedding halls and loads to people to make you wedding memorable. There is nothing more beautiful than a simple wedding with only the special people around that mean the most to you.


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