FHM Pakistan
FHM Breeze

”Reasons why growing up in the 90’s was the best”

If you grew up in the 90’s you remember that your mother would send you outside and tell you to be home when the streetlights came on, you rode your bike to your friends house or called them on the corded landline, to see if they wanted to meet.  We used to have our cycle gang and every evening we went out for cycle racing without our parents noticing us. Those were counted as the golden days of life.
And then a few years later you carried a cell phone, that’s where the real change begins. We’re the generation that literally saw the world shift, we can remember life before computers, social media or cell phones but we’re the first to learn the ins and out of technology!

Today’s material comforts, which one could not have even imagined a decade ago are available in various multiple choices. But as experience has shown that trends do not last for long, and we know it keeps changing and it’s a use and throw generation.

Nothing will remain static, hence the difference between the 90’s and now will prove how fast things have changed. No doubt, technology has made a lot of difference in today’s modern-day life, making it much more comfortable than it was in the past.

1- This is how you predicted the future and solved problems.

2- You owned one of these.

3- Chewing this helped you concentrate in class.

4- You survived the hot summer days in school with this water bottle.

5- Cycling was a real treat.

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