FHM Pakistan
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Reasons why prettiest Islamabad is the City to live in!!

Based on many different factors, we can safely say that Islamabad is overall the best city to live in Pakistan. It easily beats Lahore and Karachi and other cities of Pakistan. In case you are wondering why is it the best city to live in, we have compiled a list of reasons that tell why.

1. Soothing night lights of Islamabad


2. The smooth as silk Islamabad Highway

Ankara and Islamabad Highway

3. The sensational beauty of Faisal Mosque at night

Blue Mosque and Faisal Mosque at night

4. Mesmerizing view of Rawal Dam

Goksu Park and rawal dam

5. A bird’s eye view of Islamabad the magnificent

Aerial view of both cities

6. Beautiful lush green Japanese Park in Islamabad

beautiful parks

7. Grandeur of Serena Hotel

Luxury hotels in ankara and islamabad

8. The magnetic feel of a beautiful shopping mall – Centaurus

shopping malls time to go crazy

9. The stunning Margalla Hills

Hills of beauty

10. Nothing compares to the lush green trees that cover the Margalla hills and the views from Monal – simply breathtaking

view from monal

There is no reason to leave such a beautiful place like Islamabad, where you have everything you want, all in one city. No city around the world can match the beauty and atmosphere that is Islamabad. Wouldn’t you agree?

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