FHM Pakistan
Health & Fitness

Here is the reason why smokers are getting lung cancer more than ever!

According to a recent research, the otherwise known as “light” cigarettes are becoming the major cause of a specific type of lung cancer. These cigarettes have holes in their filter, which make them lighter in smoke than the other ones available out there.

The cancer being caused by these cigarette is called Adenocarcinoma, which occurs deep in the lungs. On one hand, with the declining rate of smokers in the past 50 years, lung cancer rate has sloshed. But, on the other side, case of adenocarcinoma are increasing day by day.

As per the report published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, researchers are of the view that the increasing rate of this specific type of lung cancer is due to the ventilation holes in filter, “which allow smokers to inhale more smoke that also has higher levels of carcinogens, mutagens and other toxins.”

Lead author and deputy director of The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center, Peter Shields said:

“The filter ventilation holes change how the tobacco is burned, producing more carcinogens, which then also allows the smoke to reach the deeper parts of the lung where adenocarcinomas more frequently occur.

“Our data suggests a clear relationship between the addition of ventilation holes to cigarettes and increasing rates of lung adenocarcinoma seen over the past 20 years.

“What is especially concerning is that these holes are still added to virtually all cigarettes that are smoked today.”

He further revealed that cigarette filters with holes began nearly 50 years ago, with claims that they were “low-tar” and “light”.

“This was done to fool smokers and the public health community into thinking that they actually were safer,” rebuked Shields.

Though with recent study, it has been proved that these light cigarettes have done more harm thane ever and are proving to be one of the common factors leading people towards a very dangerous kind of cancer.

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