FHM Pakistan

The realities of life are truly bitter but surely true!

What is the thing you’d do if no one would judge you for it? The world would be so much in peace if people stop putting their nose in other people’s matter. But unfortunately, most people can’t live without doing so as they enjoy mingling into other’s lives and creating a mess in them.

How magical would your life be if ‘what other people think’ no longer stopped you from taking bygone steps in life that you always avoided just to fit into the eyes of people around you, scared to be judged in manners you may have never even thought? But we can’t stop getting bothered by this because their way of thinking matters on our life. We need approvals from the people who are not even involved in the matter.

Make a crystal clear list of the people whose opinions matter in your life. Is it your spouse? Your best friend? Your mom? Maybe it’s only yours and God’s? This list is a great constant reminder.

Judgement usually only hurts if it’s something we judge ourselves for… generally it all gets triggered when you eventually start to do some work on healing the thoughts and pain. Happiest days in life are times when we remove judgment from the lens from which we view life. When we harshly judge people, things and events, we are rendering a negative opinion.

Begin to affirm who YOU know you are. Who are you? Who do you believe you are? Knowing the true worth of yourself is as important but if you start considering yourself unimportant, that’s when people start taking you for granted. In a world full of racism, make yourself a space where no one can harm you in any sort of way possible.

Most importantly, give yourself permission to fail. Because you are a human, and failures can choose you in order to revert to better.

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