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Launches & Events

QHBCW 2017 ends with absolute fashion celebration

Pakistan’s biggest bridal extravaganza #QHBCW – QMobile HUM Bridal Couture Week 2017 styled by Sweet Touch, by HUM Network Limited in collaboration with QMobile, concluded on a high note on Sunday, 2nd April, 2017 in Karachi.

The final day of QHBCW 2017 attracted a huge number of celebrities, socialites and fashionistas. The audiences were treated to the beautiful aroma of fresh flowers and fun activities in the foyer area, where they captured the fun moments in the beautifully designed lounges. These were further treated by the change in decor of the ramp area.

The concluding day of QHBCW started with the designer duo Asifa & Nabeel’s A Roaring Melodrama followed by Annus Abrar’s Shehnaai. Emraan Rajput was the third to present his collection Chahsme Shahi, which was followed by Sana Abbas’ Noor to conclude show 1 of the final day.

Show 2 of the QHBCW started off with the Nouvelle Mariee Vol II by the designer duo Nickie Nina, which was followed by Ahsan Menswear’s Samjhota. The 14th edition of QMobile HUM Bridal Couture Week styled by Sweet Touch was concluded by none other than the amazing Sonya Battla.

Here are highlights of the tremendous closing day of QHBCW 2017:

@emraanrajput #QHBCW #QMobile #HUMPR #BridalCoutureWeek #DayThree #Finale #FHMPakistan

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@sonyahussyn #QHBCW #QMobile #HUMPR #BridalCoutureWeek #DayThree #Finale #FHMPakistan @sanaabbasofficial

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@sanaabbasofficial #QHBCW #QMobile #HUMPR #BridalCoutureWeek #DayThree #Finale #FHMPakistan

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@asifanabeel #QHBCW #QMobile #HUMPR #BridalCoutureWeek #DayThree #Finale #FHMPakistan

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@zaraabid369 for @sanaabbasofficial #QHBCW #QMobile #HUMPR #BridalCoutureWeek #DayThree #Finale #FHMPakistan

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@imgitiara for @asifanabeel #QHBCW #QMobile #HUMPR #BridalCoutureWeek #DayThree #Finale #FHMPakistan

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@noor_bhatti for @sanaabbasofficial #QHBCW #QMobile #HUMPR #BridalCoutureWeek #DayThree #Finale #FHMPakistan

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@noor_bhatti for @emraanrajput #QHBCW #QMobile #HUMPR #BridalCoutureWeek #DayThree #Finale #FHMPakistan

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@zaraabid369 for @asifanabeel #QHBCW #QMobile #HUMPR #BridalCoutureWeek #DayThree #Finale #FHMPakistan

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@misbahmumtaz_official for @sanaabbasofficial #QHBCW #QMobile #HUMPR #BridalCoutureWeek #DayThree #Finale #FHMPakistan

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@sabeekaimam for @annusabrar #QHBCW #QMobile #HUMPR #BridalCoutureWeek #DayThree #Finale #FHMPakistan

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@emraanrajput #QHBCW #QMobile #HUMPR #BridalCoutureWeek #DayThree #Finale #FHMPakistan

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@alikureshiofficial for @emraanrajput #QHBCW #QMobile #HUMPR #BridalCoutureWeek #DayThree #Finale #FHMPakistan

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@rubbab_ali for @asifanabeel #QHBCW #QMobile #HUMPR #BridalCoutureWeek #DayThree #Finale #FHMPakistan

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@cybiljchowdhry for @asifanabeel #QHBCW #QMobile #HUMPR #BridalCoutureWeek #DayThree #Finale #FHMPakistan

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#MohsinKhan for @annusabrar #QHBCW #QMobile #HUMPR #BridalCoutureWeek #DayThree #Finale #FHMPakistan

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@misbahmumtaz_official for @asifanabeel #QHBCW #QMobile #HUMPR #BridalCoutureWeek #DayThree #Finale #FHMPakistan

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Supermodel @fouziaaman for @annusabrar #QHBCW #QMobile #HUMPR #BridalCoutureWeek #DayThree #Finale #FHMPakistan

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@emraanrajput #QHBCW #QMobile #HUMPR #BridalCoutureWeek #DayThree #Finale #FHMPakistan

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@rubyachaudhry for @sanaabbasofficial #QHBCW #QMobile #HUMPR #BridalCoutureWeek #DayThree #Finale #FHMPakistan

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@fayezahansari for @annusabrar #QHBCW #QMobile #HUMPR #BridalCoutureWeek #DayThree #Finale #FHMPakistan

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Our favorite @imareebahabib for @asifanabeel #QHBCW #QMobile #HUMPR #BridalCoutureWeek #DayThree #Finale #FHMPakistan

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@asifanabeel #QHBCW #QMobile #HUMPR #BridalCoutureWeek #DayThree #Finale #FHMPakistan

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@shahzad_noor for @emraanrajput #QHBCW #QMobile #HUMPR #BridalCoutureWeek #DayThree #Finale #FHMPakistan

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@emraanrajput #QHBCW #QMobile #HUMPR #BridalCoutureWeek #DayThree #Finale #FHMPakistan

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@zaraabid369 for @annusabrar #QHBCW #QMobile #HUMPR #BridalCoutureWeek #DayThree #Finale #FHMPakistan

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@cybiljchowdhry for @sanaabbasofficial #QHBCW #QMobile #HUMPR #BridalCoutureWeek #DayThree #Finale #FHMPakistan

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@emraanrajput #QHBCW #QMobile #HUMPR #BridalCoutureWeek #DayThree #Finale #FHMPakistan

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@rohailpirzada for @emraanrajput #QHBCW #QMobile #HUMPR #BridalCoutureWeek #DayThree #Finale #FHMPakistan

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@calljunaidkhan for @emraanrajput #QHBCW #QMobile #HUMPR #BridalCoutureWeek #DayThree #Finale #FHMPakistan

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@zurainzimam #QHBCW #QMobile #HUMPR #BridalCoutureWeek #DayThree #Finale #FHMPakistan

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@khursheed.hyder #QHBCW #QMobile #HUMPR #BridalCoutureWeek #DayThree #Finale #FHMPakistan

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@wajidkhanstylist at the redcarpet of #QHBCW #QMobile #HUMPR #BridalCoutureWeek #DayThree #Finale #FHMPakistan

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@iamgodil wearing @emraanrajput #QHBCW #QMobile #HUMPR #BridalCoutureWeek #DayThree #Finale #FHMPakistan

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@mona.imran #QHBCW #QMobile #HUMPR #BridalCoutureWeek #DayThree #Finale #FHMPakistan

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@nazneentk #QHBCW #QMobile #HUMPR #BridalCoutureWeek #DayThree #Finale #FHMPakistan

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